The Music Garge’s Blog

This project is carried out for all of us as musicians with greater or lesser knowledge and the firm intention of building our own musical stronghold.

From the beginning of this adventure we have had to face doubts, contradictory or partial information and in some cases we faced recommendations that were more motivated by a commercial interest than a legitimate intention to help.

This confusion and our impatience to move forward acted as a first impulse to address all these elements, ordering them, searching for missing information and always consulting experts who could help us elucidate the best ways to move forward.

Teaser Episode

March 1, 2024
Featuring Masha Welberg

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FIRST Episode (SOON)

Living in the Now, with John Doe

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Start Listening Today!

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Stay Tuned For Our Podcast Version Episodes

If you are an emerging musician like us we could take this journey together. Our course will bring us closer to the goal of the dream home studio. We have our roadmaps so that all of us on board can achieve it.
If you want to share this journey, register and you can be part of this project.
Let’s write this blog together.